Big Bee Carbonated Honey Drink-
Natural Borneo Acacia Honey Drink 24 cans x 325ml (1 ctn)
Big Bee included Natural Acacia Honey gathers from the blossoms of Acacia Mangium trees, which is located in the Borneo Island rainforest that has a history of 140 million years unpolluted natural environment and has a year-round constant Temperature range of 22 – 28 °C; the warm and humid breeze from the ocean perennially brings to the jungle sufficient rainfall is the key to promoting the secretion of honeydew from the buds contributes of Acacia Mangium trees as the rich source of pollen and nectar in honey.
☆ Rich in Antioxidants
☆ Improves Digestive System
☆ Boost the Immune System
☆ Refreshing Good Energy Source and Helps Relieve Fatigue
☆ Natural Antibacterial properties that help to Heal Wounds and Burns
☆ Enhances the skin complexion, Prevent and treat acne
☆ Mankind’s oldest food and medicine helps to relieve coughs, asthma and colds
Product Features:
• Borneo Acacia Honey Drink
• Low Sugar Content – 4.9g/100mL
• Healthy Carbonated Honey Drink
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